Top 5 Weight Loss Diet Pills For Successful Weight Loss
Submitted By: Galia Ivanova
There are so many different weight loss pills and diet supplements available online that it is practically impossible to sort out the good ones – the ones that really work and help people, and the bad ones – those that don’t work and are complete waste of money.
The funny thing is that the trashy diet pills products prevail in number over the good ones. This is due to the facts that you don’t need time for tests on a new crappy weight loss pill product. Just warp it up in a shiny pack with beautiful name and a bunch of unknown “herbal” and “healthy” ingredients list on the pack and you are done. Ready for the next “great” weight loss product? Oh, yeah, you’ve got plenty of time.
This is pretty much the scheme. But don’t fall into the trap of the number of ingredients, the pretty catchy name of the product, or the multiple ads you see all over, or the number of items that are said to be sold already. All these mean nothing, so don’t allow them to blur your judgment and to end up buying some crappy product that promises magic weight loss results in no time.
On the contrary - the good weight loss pills products are made of herbal and originally grown herbs, or from imported ones from China, Japan, Africa and other parts of the world specialized in particular herbs grow. The chemical tests and analysis of the ingredients and their blend takes time. The tests on the final product also take time.
In fact, it may take a couple of years before a diet pill product actually hit the market. But when it does you can be 100% sure that this weight loss pill product is completely safe and features unique properties that can help you lose weight successfully without unwanted side effects.
This is the advantage of the good diet pills – the quality, the tests that prove they really work and the guaranteed safe weight loss effect.
Let’s get to the point… Which weight loss diet pills truly deserve your attention and aren’t just hype. Also are proven to work and have certificates for maximum quality. Well, our scientists have been doing tests and researches all the time, here is what we recommend:
Hoodia Gordonii Plus
This is definitely the Number 1 most effective appetite suppressant ever made from the original African Hoodia cactus. But that’s not all – it’s also great metabolism booster, fat burner and energy enhancer. What else do you need to lose weight, burn fat and feel full of energy? Nothing. Hoodia Gordonii Plus thermogenic ingredients will support you through your weight loss journey.
Hoodia Chaser
Many people would prefer this liquid form of pure Hoodia Gordonii extract, as it is much faster absorbed into your body and starts working immediately. It is better that the Hoodia Gordonii Plus pills, but as long as time to take effect is concerned. Just a few drops of the Hoodia Chaser liquid curb your appetite within no time.
Which form you choose – the pill or the liquid, it’s up to you. In either case you get what you are paying for – successful and safe weight loss results without starvation, hard dieting and bad mood.
Avatrim Dietary Supplement
Avatrim is the new hit on the market for weight loss products containing green tea. It’s no wonder, though. The Green Tea 300 weight loss system is gone for good and now is time for the new, better product – Avatrim dietary supplement.
It has pretty unique blend that contains pure green tea extract combined with vitamins, amino acids and other natural and very potent thermogenic ingredients that are clinically proven to help you lose weight.
Do you remember how does green tea extract worked? It increases your body metabolic rate and energy expenditure, which accelerates weight reduction and fat burn. All this applies to Avatrim as well, so you still can have your healthier and happier lifestyle, while trimming down the extra pounds with Avatrim dietary supplement.
Dietrine Carb Blocker
Whatever meal you’ve had, Dietrine Carb Blocker will block the absorption of up to 1125 calories from your from fat and carbohydrate foods. Just take one Dietrine Capsule before meal and enjoy your food.
This weight loss diet pill is for everyone who finds it difficult to cut down on delicious foods filled with carbohydrates. Yes, believe it or not you still can have your favorite carb foods without feeling guilty about it, but as long as you take the Dietrine Carb Blocker. Every diet can be delicious with this amazing carb blocker diet pills.
Hoodia Balance
Another Hoodia Gordonii weight loss pill! Oh, come on, there are two already in this list – this is what some of you may say. But wait, this is not just an ordinary Hoodia pill, this diet pill contains 750MG of 100% pure South African Hoodia, protected by authentic certificate. What a high concentration of the active ingredient – is what you may say now. Well, this is Hoodia Balance, feel free to try it and I promise you won’t be sorry!
In conclusion
These was the list of the top five most effective weight loss diet pills (and drops) available on the market right now. They are being used by many people like you, who are trying to lose weight safely and keep it off for good.
Now you can stop searching for the best weight loss pills, cause here they are, just choose the one that suits your needs and you are sure to have what’s best for you.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Top 5 Weight Loss Diet Pills For Successful Weight Loss
Labels: Weight Loss
Free Weight Loss Tips: 4 Positive Ways To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals
Free Weight Loss Tips: 4 Positive Ways To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals
Submitted By: Star Smith
In order to lose weight successfully, you first have to realize that losing weight is a journey with a specific destination. Right now, you’re at the very beginning and about to take the first step towards changing your eating and lifestyle habits, so that you can have the body you really want.
Of course, this isn’t going to be easy – nothing worthwhile ever is. You should pat yourself on the back for making a commitment to yourself that you’re finally ready to do this. So many people can’t even make it this far. So, in a sense, you’re already ahead of the game.
Your goal should be to lose one or two pounds a week, if you lose more than that, great, but don’t push for it. You want to stay mentally focused, healthy and determined. If you push too hard, or try to force your body to lose big numbers, then you’ll eventually stress yourself out and hit a wall that may lead to failure.
Here’s some suggestions that you can use to create a successful weight loss plan:
Set a Reasonable Goal
Your first step should be to decide how much weight you want to lose. Get some 3x5 index cards and write one goal or positive statement down on each one. Start by writing down your ideal weight, this is your ultimate big goal.
Next, you want to set smaller goals for yourself. Write down a goal for losing five pounds, then ten pounds, twenty pounds, etc.
Write down some positive motivational statements about yourself.
“I love myself unconditionally”
“I’m a great person inside and outside”
“I’m going to smile and laugh today”
“I deserve this and I’m worth it”
Keep these cards where you’ll be able to look at them every day.
Eat Smaller Portions More Often
Growing up you were probably taught to eat three meals a day. You were also probably taught to clean your plate. While this schedule of eating meals is well-intentioned, the fact is that you are going to get hungry between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and dinner.
Not only are you probably having a large portion for each meal, but you are also snacking on junk food in between. Unfortunately, this way of eating leads to a lot of weight gain. It’s been proven that if you eat several small meals during the day, you won’t get hungry between meals and when you do, it’s easier to snack on something that has less calories.
Plan to eat five small meals a day, instead of three, and see if that helps to curb your food cravings.
Keep a Food Journal
Just like a diary is a snippet of events that happen in your life, a food journal helps you to keep track of what you’re really putting into your mouth on a daily basis. You probably have a mental picture of what you normally eat, but when you see it in writing, you may be surprised at all the extra foods you’re eating without even thinking about it.
Write down what you ate, what time you ate it, and how you felt when you ate that particular food. Sometimes when we eat certain “comfort foods” we’re really trying to use food to fill up an emotional hole in our hearts.
Feelings of loneliness, boredom, stress, anger and low-self esteem are often triggers for food binging. Write it down and you can go back and evaluate it later.
Treat Yourself
When you reach one of your weight loss goals, go ahead and treat yourself to something special. The only catch is that your reward cannot be a food item. That’s right, you will not have a bowl of ice cream or a big slice of pizza.
You want to mentally get away from thinking of food as a reward or a security blanket. So, think of some other things that will put a smile on your face. Money is always a good reward. Maybe you can create a reward jar and pay yourself five dollars for every milestone achieved. You could go on a nice shopping spree after you’ve reached your final goal weight.
You could also buy yourself some fresh flowers, a nice pair of earrings, a new video game, a new tie, etc.
Another great idea is to make up your own reward coupon books.
I hope these tips are helpful and that you are successful in creating a healthier and happier new you.
Labels: Weight Loss