Sunday, November 25, 2007

Tips For A Glowing Skin

Tips For A Glowing Skin
By Nikhil Jain

Do you know how and where to moisturize? Here are some helpful hints…

MOISTURISING our skin is essential to maintain that 'young, beautiful' look. On another note, is it necessary to moisturize all areas of your skin? The answer is NO. Many models actually go to private 'beauty' classes to learn how, when and where to moisturize their skin. So, learn your skin type, don't be 'afraid to try many products before settling on one.

1. Do not over moisturize as it can lead to clogged pores. Your forehead and cheeks tend to be the drier areas. There is no need to moisturize your chin if it is not needed.

2. Most women misdiagnose their skin type. This can cause improper moisturizing. You also need to change your techniques of moisturizing with the changes of seasons. Know about the various moisturizers -

3. When using a moisturizer, always apply it to the skin in a circulatory motion. Pat your skin with the tips of your fingers gently as if playing a tune on a piano. This is also a great stimulant for your skin.

4. Tired of buying moisturizers too often? Here is how to make them last longer. Use a small amount of natural vegetable oil as a base first. This will help make your moisturizer last much longer.

5. Use a moisturizer as a base before applying your foundation. For best results, wait until the moisturizer is dry and then apply foundation. However, if your foundation is somewhat dry; then apply it right away; your moisturizer will help it to loosen up a bit.

6.To get the best results from any of your facial products, rub it between your hands, this helps to heat it up, and hence, becomes easier to apply.

For more tips and article on beauty and skin care -

About the Author: Nikhil Jain MBBS is an editor and author (, skin specialist and veteran dermatologist whose passion is guiding others to solve their skin problems and enhance their beauty.

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Look Great With Natural Beauty Treatments

Look Great With Natural Beauty Treatments
By Craig Thornburrow

Women in the United States spend an estimated 50 billion dollars every year on beauty treatments and related products. Unfortunately many of these products do not do the slightest bit of good, and some of them could actually be unhealthy for your body. But think of the amount of time -- and money -- that could be saved by simply using natural beauty treatments that are readily available.

Using natural beauty treatments ensures that you are not contributing to animal testing, or risking the application of dangerous chemicals to your skin. In this article we will discuss a few of the best natural beauty treatments that are both economical and effective to help you look your best at all times. Now let's get started.

The humble banana is one of the best natural beauty treatments available. Bananas are rich in potassium as well as other minerals and vitamins, and make a wonderful moisturizer for both the hair and skin. The most common way to use bananas as natural beauty treatments is to begin by mashing the banana thoroughly, and then gently massaging it into your face and hair. Some experts also recommend adding some natural oatmeal to the banana mash to make a wonderful mask for skin ex-foliation.

Next on our list of natural beauty treatments are avocados. Avocados are wonderfully healthy and contain generous amounts of essential oils that are perfect to moisturize the skin. You can also simply rub the peel of the avocado gently around the face and neck as a great skin cleanser and moisturizer. For puffy eyes, sliced avocado can be placed underneath the eyes for five to 10 minutes at a time to reduce swelling.

The third most popular and natural beauty treatment is a timeless classic: olive oil. Olive oil is one of the most versatile natural beauty treatments. It is a wonderful hand moisturizer and can be used under gloves at nighttime to keep the hands soft and fresh while you sleep. It's also perfect to moisturize the lips, or to soak cuticles or nails.

Olive oil also excels in repairing damaged hair or split ends. When used as a hair conditioner, olive oil can control dandruff, while adding a thick, luxurious shine to dull or color-damaged hair. Another great tip is to add several drops of olive oil into the bathtub. This will help moisturize this skin, and if you prefer, you can also add a few drops of essential oils to mask the olive oil smell.

These three are just of few of the many great natural beauty treatments that are both inexpensive and highly effective. Some of these -- such as olive oil -- have been used as beauty treatments for millennia, and are proven to work. But one thing you can be sure of is, all of these natural beauty treatments are just that -- natural. In other words, you will not have to worry about damaging your skin, hair or fingernails with harmful chemicals when using these treatments. Additionally, allergies to these in natural ingredients are very rare, and this is unfortunately not the case with many commercial, laboratory produced beauty treatments.

If you've grown accustomed to buying commercial beauty treatments, it may take some time to adjust to doing things the natural way. But try the three effective natural beauty treatments in this article and you are sure to see a difference in both your appearance, and your pocketbook, very soon.

Craig Thornburrow is an acknowledged expert in his field. You can get more free advice on beauty treatments and acne treatment at

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Top 5 Home Beauty Remedies

Top 5 Home Beauty Remedies
By Leilah Jumat

Every woman has her specific routine and beliefs when it comes to beauty. And with today's pressure to remain beautiful for longer, we thought we'd help you with these top 5 home remedy tips using products from your very own kitchen no less. Now you would not only look more beautiful than before, but we've also included what you can do to ensure your beauty products lasts you longer.

Olive oil
Olive oil, together with essential oil is just what you need for a hair treatment. Pour a little olive oil, virgin olive oil would be better, together with a few drips of essential lavender and rosemary oil. Begin by working the ends first, then from your scalp, massage down with your fingers. Leave it in for about half an hour, and for even better results, place a plastic groceries bag over your hair for the same time period. If you are one of the lucky ones with thicker hair texture, then we suggest leaving it in for a little bit longer, either wise, wash as per normal and enjoy the effects of this simple treatment.

Or if you need a good exfoliator, simply add a few drops of olive oil to a cup of raw sugar and lightly scrub over your face. The olive oil does wonders for you skin while the sugar gets rid of unwanted old skin.

Cucumbers contain a highly beneficial ingredient. They have a mild astringent that is like miracle in a bottle when it comes to puffy eyes. Simply cut thin slices and place them on your eyes, cheeks, or anywhere else where you look slightly puffier. Sit back and relax for a few minutes while the cucumber does the rest for you.

Cod liver oil
For brittle nails, massage cod liver oil into your cuticles and nails. Cod liver oil is rich in vitamin A and after only three months your nails will be much stronger and your cuticles smoother.

Who would have thought, coffee is one of the main ingredients found in many expensive cellulite creams. So for an added relief of cellulite, roughly rub ground coffee over your specific targeted areas and see how the cellulite melts away.

Struggling to get rid of your onion or garlic breath? Simply put some vinegar on parsley and chew it after your tasty meal. Now you never have to worry about the nasty after effects of garlic and onions.

Nail polish
The best way to ensure your nail polish would last you longer is to place it in your fridge.

Nicotine stained fingers
Except for the obvious fix, nail polish remover is the easiest way to get rid of nicotine stains on your fingers. Simply put a little bit on a piece of cotton wool and rub it over the nicotine stained finger.

Back pain
If you suffer with backache, simply place a pillow under your knees when you are lying on your back, or between your knees when lying on your side to relief backache. This way you can be sure to get that well deserved 8 hours of beauty sleep in and feel more refreshed in the morning.

Lemon juice
To whiten your fingernail tips, all you have to do is to simply soak them in a little bit of lemon juice for a few minutes.

Sloppy nail polish
If you have an unpractised hand when it comes to applying nail polish and you're left with sloppy nail polish, all you have to do is wait for the nail polish to dry. As soon as it has dried, soak your hands in warm water for a few minutes. After that you'll be easily able to just rub of excess polish with a finger.

And now for the truly bizarre...
For baggy eyes, simply place a sardine under each of your eyes and leave it there for ten to fifteen minutes, or longer if preferred. You can even place them on your eye lid to help with wrinkles. Now how true this is we cannot confirm, but the whole idea sounds pretty fishy.

They say beauty is hard work. We think that beauty is something to be enjoyed, it's nice to know that when I run out of my preferred beauty product that there is a home remedy close by. Although I for one still prefer the packaged products to the home remedies!

Author Bio:
MyBeautySecrets not only give you the top 5 home beauty remedies but also offer you the best in quality cosmetics, makeup and beauty products on the market today!

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Healthy Way to Lose Weight in 7 Days or Less!

Healthy Way to Lose Weight in 7 Days or Less!
By Dixita Dutt

So we have all heard about the "7-day Diet"? Have you always wondered what it is or what it includes? Is it good? Is it for me? Well, we know and we are ready to share it with you.

We will first give you a very basic idea about what it is. To start, in the 7-Day Diet the person dieting is permitted to indulge (imagine!) but, in any one kind of food and that too on certain days. This diet plan boasts about being able to detoxify the body and at the same time lead to a nice, and of course controlled, loss of weight.

Say, one day you eat certain fruits, and the next day you eat vegetables, this is the basic plan. By following this, you can lose a lot of weight for sure.

The problem is that it is not a balanced diet. In fact it could lead to the person feeling weak perpetually. Yes, it will lead to loss of weight eventually, but because you are eating only fruits or vegetables most of the time and nothing else. This diet fits well in the group of diets we call fad diets and thus it is completely not recommended.

On the first day of this diet, say Monday, you begin with eating fruits or vegetables, whatever you desire, with the sole exception of the fruit, banana. Don't have bananas on the very first day. On the second day, you strictly eat only vegetables (you can eat as many as you want). On the third day, you go back to the fruits and the vegetables of the first day and Thursday you can have around five bananas and maximum five glasses of milk!

It is very easy to see that the diet deals with certain extremes, especially in terms of the food, the quantity and what is permitted and what is not.


Eat about as much fruits and juices as you like, excepting bananas.


Eat all the vegetables and vegetable soup that you like.


fruits - excepting bananas, juice, vegetables, and vegetable soups.


eat around 5 bananas and also drink about 5 glasses of milk or 8 bananas and about 4 glass of milk.


Eat 4 steaks of meat, 3 ounces each -chicken/fish/beef, with green vegetables.


Eat, again, 4 steaks of meat, 3 ounces each - chicken/fish/beef, with green vegetables.


Eat, once again, 4 steaks of meat 3 ounces each - chicken/fish/beef with green vegetables.

Follow this like a bible and you'd get fast and healthy results.

You may discuss more on this at: Help on Dieting and Weight Loss Dieting for Diabetics

Dixita is an article writer for various organisations across the globe. This is the first time I am trying out article writing for myself. For more information about me, do visit: Random Rants

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Water - It Can Help Bust That Gut

Water - It Can Help Bust That Gut
By Valene Dubbelman

Everyone has all these weight loss gimmicks and they promote them all over the internet and the tv but no one ever says that water the most important substance our body needs can help with weight loss. Most people don't drink enough water and they are carrying around a few more pounds than they need to. Water can help git rid of belly fat. The liver is the one that does most of the metabolizing of fat when it coverts it to energy. It will also have to help out the kidneys when they are not working properly. The kidneys need a lot of water to work efficiently and the liver will have to kick in and help them out if they are water deprived. You end up storing fat because neither organ will be able to assimilate all of the fat.

A lot of people cannot stand the taste of plain water and so will not drink enough. If you decide to add water to your arsenal of gut busting then being prepared will help you out. During the first few days you will be going to the bathroom a lot more. The body is just flushing out all the excess water that it had been storing all these years. The body thinks that it is in starvation and dehydration mode and so will store water in excess places such as the thighs, ankles and stomach. Once you get your body normalized then the excess trips to the bathroom will cease.

Eight glasses of water a day is only about 2 quarts and it should be stretched out through the day. If you live in a hot area then you should drink more and if you are overweight you should drink 8 ounces for every 25 pounds you are over your ideal weight. If you wait till you feel thirsty then you have become dehydrated. Drink throughout the day.

If you don't like the taste put some lemon or lime slices into your glass or try one of the flavored waters but make sure that there are no added sugars. Don't drink about 3 hours before going to bed. Don't drink coffee or cokes and other sugar laden drinks. Caffeine is a diuretic and will make your body push out excess water and then it will start storing water in the tissues again. Drinking plenty of water will help to get rid of belly fat and other areas that are storing fat and will be one more aid in your arsenal of weapons against extra flab.

Anxiety and panic attacks will never "just go away"with out help.

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How I Lost 80 lbs using Hoodia and a Modified Carb Diet

How I Lost 80 lbs using Hoodia and a Modified Carb Diet
By Alyssa Collins

Here's my diet story...

I took 3-1000mg hoodia capsules daily for 2 weeks with no side effects during the beginning stages of a modified carb diet. The Hoodia pretty much knocked out my appetite and let the modified carb diet do what it was supposed to do. I lost 80 lbs in 7 months and have kept it off. (230lb to 150lb, 5' 6" Female) It was painless also..

Did you notice that last paragraph?

I was successful in my last major diet effort because I used Hoodia in COMBINATION with another very successful modified low carb diet plan. This amazing cactus plant can work by itself but why not incorporate it into a sane and sensible diet routine?

Many low carb diets are difficult at the beginning because you are "weaning" off carbs. You're realigning your blood chemistries, so you get extremely hungry and want to quit the diet within the first week. I quit MANY TIMES.

This all natural plant is an amazing natural appetite suppressant and will work by helping you follow your what ever diet you are on.

That said...

Hoodia has gotten mixed press as weight loss aid; many dieters rave about the results claiming significant weight loss while others simply say they've experienced nothing special.

Why the inconsistency regarding the effectiveness of this all-natural appetite suppressant?

It all boils down to marketing.

I suspect that most of the negative reviews is from people that have taken diet aids that have hoodia listed as only ONE of the ingredients.

Many low-grade diet pills and weightloss supplement manufacturers have jumped on the hoodia bandwagon. These are pretty much worthless. Don't waste your money.

You may get a stimulant effect because of the caffeine and other herbs but that's about it.

Many diet and weight loss aids heavily marketed online and in drug stores contain only slight amounts of hoodia, many less than 5% of the total dosage.

These products are not the same as REAL HOODIA and as an educated consumer and dieter you need to know what to look for before you buy. The real stuff that worked for me has no filler; the only other ingredient you should see is for the gelatin capsule ie.gelatin, magnesium stearate, and stearic acid.

To be effective as an appetite suppressant you need to take PURE Hoodia. A typical daily dose would be 2000-3000 mg daily based on your body size. You can easily cut about 1000 calories daily by doing this routine.

Why not take every advantage you can to make your diet EASIER?

So, if you are struggling to lose a significant amount of weight forget the crash diet approach. A modified carb approach along with PURE hoodia for appetite suppression will get you looking and feeling great.

Alyssa Collins RN and Certified trainer, has been contributing her knowledge exclusively to for the last 6 months, thanks Alyssa! Learn how to buy real Hoodia, get all the details as well as info on modified carb diets that WORK.

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Healthy Diet - What Will Work for Me?

Healthy Diet - What Will Work for Me?
By Elaine Olden

Everyone should have and be on a healthy diet. We are told to eat well by the government and it is constantly been driven into our brains, that " healthy living for a longer life".

But what if you want to diet fro that special occasion like a date or a wedding. With so many diet plans around what should I be looking for and what is right for me. My friends and family bombard me with suggestions and ideas. What should I do? First of all you have to break it down, because what is right for one person is not right for another. The Cambridge diet may work for one person but is wasted on you.

Write down what you want from your diet plan.
1) How much weight do you want to lose?
2) What time period do you want to lose it in?
3) Do you want to combine a weight lose program and still eat regular meals?
4) Where do you want to lose the weight from?
5) Do you want a short term weight lose program or a long term plan?

Once yo have set your perimeters you can make a reasoned judgement on what is the right plan for you.

The healthy diet plan will need the essentials for healthy living. Ask yourself the following questions -
1) Does the plan allow me to eat a reasonable amount of food or is it a starvation based diet plan.
2) Will the plan eliminate a food group like certain nutrients and vitamins. If it is based solely on carb , fat or protein. Over a period of time this could do you more damage than good.
3) Make sure the diet plan offers a number of food groups to choose from. As some plans suggest eating the same product over and over again thus ignoring vital food groups. Again long term this is unhealthy for you.

In conclusion it is fair to say that today you are swamped with diet plans everywhere you look. Some are good for immediate short term weight lose, only for you to put it back on. There are not many suggested long term plans, however there is one important life saving and one life improving plan. That is to eat a healthily with a diverse selection of foods in moderation and combine this with exercise.

If you would like to know more on a balanced diet or dieting click on the links below.

Elaine Olden is a well known author on Dieting and Nutrition, for more information click on:-
Slimming techniques
Cutting the Carbs

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Looking For A Healthy Diet? Look No Further Than The Mediterranean Diet

Looking For A Healthy Diet? Look No Further Than The Mediterranean Diet
By Elaine Olden

Mediterranean people eat a healthy diet, natural foods, and unprocessed foods. You will not find too many McDonald's or fast food outlets. The majority of people in the Mediterranean cook for themselves from healthy, freshly cultivated vegetables, fruits, and meats. In all the market places, you will find natural and local products. The food consists of vegetables, fruits, cereals, beans, olives nuts, olive oil, and pastas, and constitutes a very healthy diet for a very healthy living. There is a moderate consumption of wines. These again locally produced milk products, cheeses, and yogurts.

Studies have found that not only is there a healthy diet lifestyle, but it makes for very happy and contented people. The majority of the world and with their own food habits should envy this. The Mediterranean consists of over twenty different countries, each with its own culture, traditions, customs, food practices, habits, et cetera. But in spite of all these differences, there is a common theme that runs through their foods. Olive oils, red wines, and local produce created and presented in different forms. The preparation of food varies from country to country, but all is based around healthy living.

Studies by scientist in the US have shown that balanced, healthy diet consists of certain forms of certain foods taken on a daily basis. With the Mediterranean diet, all the boxes are ticked. The recommendations for fresh vegetables, cereals, breads, pastas, potatoes, nuts, fruits, along with a moderate intake of yogurts, milks, and cheeses, and a little wine, all constitutes to a healthy lifestyle and is classified by any studies as the ideal lifestyle route to pursue.

All these products provide the natural nutrients, the necessary nutrients required as a daily intake. Vitamins B, zinc, iron, protein, carbohydrates, and low fat within the meat from only ... with animal food. The necessary antioxidants and low saturated fats are all met with Mediterranean diet. Many programs on television now feature the Mediterranean lifestyle such as Jamie Oliver's Kitchen, Rick Stein's ' Odyssey through the Mediterranean' as featured on national television to everyone illustrating the positives and the sheer delight that you gain from Mediterranean food.

This hopefully will inspire everyone to go out and eat healthily, and eat a nutritious well-balanced diet.

If you would like to know more on a balanced diet or dieting click on the links below.

Elaine Olden is a well known author on Dieting and Nutrition, for more information click on:-
Slimming techniques
Cutting the Carbs

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The Ornish Diet And What Are Its Benefits

The Ornish Diet And What Are Its Benefits
By Elaine Olden

The Ornish diet was created by Dr. Dean Ornish as a way to combat heart disease and introduce a healthy lifestyle. It has taken the USA by storm and has been featured greatly in the press and TV.

In recent times, The Ornish Diet has been found to reduce the risk of cancer, hypertension, and diabetes. The diet works on high in fibers, low in fat and is vegetarian, so that the weight loss can be guaranteed. As part of a strict diet regime, it also combines regular exercise, 3 days a week and also a regular means of relaxation. This could be massage or yoga and this basically reduces stress, keeps it to a minimum, and controls your weight and your well being.

The Ornish diet is new and different. But it does attempt to help you understand how to get a healthy body and a healthy lifestyle through not only through dieting methods, but through exercise and the reduction of calories, but also helps to educate you in the foods that you eat, and that you should be aware of and be made very aware of. That will push you into a normal healthy lifestyle.

The plan works for foods being placed in different categories: Foods you can consume all the time, foods you can consume some of the time, and foods that you eat none of the time. The foods that you should eat often and whenever hungry are fruits, beans, vegetables, fall into these categories. Foods that should be eaten in moderation would be non-fat dairy products, and non-fat low-fat commercial products. The foods that should be avoided are meats and all kinds of oils and all kinds of apricots, nuts, olives, seeds, whole dairy products, sugar and its derivatives, alcohol and anything commercially prepared and processed that has two or more grams of fat per serving. Some of the foods that could be excluded seem a little bit over the top in my opinion, as certainly, if you are going to have a healthy and active lifestyle, you need certain amounts of the nutrients and vitamins that have been excluded from the diet plan. These help you to build your body if damaged, and to help muscle strengthen and renew growth if desired.

That is my only complaint. The positives can far outweigh the negatives. And the fact that it is an education in helping you lead a healthier and active lifestyle and you are encouraged to exercise combined with certain food products. Whether you can live with the exclusion of certain foods or whether you want pick and choose, as to which foods you would like to have as your main foods and which ones you would have from time to time.

One of the most interesting aspects of the diet plan is that Dr. Ornish recommends that you eat it round-the-clock to keep your metabolic rate up, so that more calories are burned over longer periods of time. It sounds great, but it is not always easy to graze round-the-clock, especially, if you work or if you have got a busy daily plan of activities. Furthermore, the diet plan is high in fiber and this could slow down the digestive process, which in turn prevents from overeating.

In conclusion, Dr. Ornish has created a wonderful plan for dieting and for educating and revitalizing one's healthy lifestyle, but the part he has chosen can be too restrictive to certain people who wish to undertake this form of dieting especially over the long period of time. You have to pick and choose to see whether it's right for you.

If you would like to know more on a balanced diet or dieting click on the links below.

Elaine Olden is a well known author on Dieting and Nutrition, for more information click on:-
Slimming techniques
Cutting the Carbs

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Dieting - Can I Combine A Diet Plan With Eating Out?

Dieting - Can I Combine A Diet Plan With Eating Out?
By Elaine Olden

Dieting, can a combination of the eating out and being on a diet plan work? Well yes! the two can be combined. It's a simple way of understanding how food is prepared and delivered to your plate.

The majority of restaurants prepare their food with a high full fat content and it is no surprise that when you go out to a restaurant, the food tastes so much better than it does at home. This is probably due to the fact that you don't have to do the preparation or washing up. It is also because food prepared in restaurants, in the majority, has high-fat content or full fat ingredients. Crème fraiche and butters creating wonderful savory flavors. Restaurants do know, on the other hand, that the paying public is more concerned about weight and fatty foods so they do cater with dishes for people who are weight conscious or want to cut down on their carbs. You can often go into restaurants now, and see a menu choice with low fat options, vegan dishes, and the like. The weight conscious might be surprised by the difference in the taste of dishes. Once you lose the fat, you may lose the flavor, but that's the price you pay.

A friend of mine tried to go on a low-fat meals at a favorite restaurant, said to me that she was very surprised at how much the fats and the calories have contributed to the flavor of the foods on a normal menu compared to the low-fat meals she tried once dieting. And afterward, she admitted that she did miss the flavor that comes with all that fat.

Educating yourself to eat healthily will mean developing new taste and enjoying the food with its natural flavors without adding the fats. These are some of the basic changes you will have to embrace.

Choose the condiments to go with your meal. The dips that are naturally low fat and fat free. Mayo and creamy dressings are very high in fat content. Ketchup, mustard and some honey-based dressings are fat-free. Another suggestion is ask them to hold back on the cheese, as quite a lot of the fat in cheese is left in the meal. By cutting it out, you can reduce quite a lot of the fat content within the meal. Probably an obvious one is to cut out the French fries, the onion rings or the potatoes and go for freshly steamed or roasted vegetables. This is a great one and one of the major fastfood companies ... followed this in recent years although be careful with the restaurant salads. You might think a salad is a low-fat content, but in fact, it's the dressings that are applied to the salads have the high fat content or calorific content in. So much so, they may have the same fat constant as a juicy cheeseburger.

Choose a grilled chicken salad over a breaded chicken option. Just sip on a glass of water or cup of tea for ten minutes before deciding on a dessert. Let your meal begin to be absorbed into the bloodstream and then it will be a better indicator if you require or need anything else to eat. Don't think just because the meal has come to an end, you therefore need a dessert. Let things soak through. Let things sink down. You may not require a dessert that could be full of carbohydrates and fatty content. These are just a few suggestions of helping you to eat out at restaurants, enjoy your lifestyle while being on a diet plan.

If you would like to know more on a balanced diet or dieting click on the links below.

Elaine Olden is a well known author on Dieting and Nutrition, for more information click on:-
Slimming techniques
Cutting the Carbs

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Lose Your Unwanted Pregnancy Pounds

Lose Your Unwanted Pregnancy Pounds - Free, Easy To Follow Tips And Methods
By Susan Olsson

One great challenge that many new mothers have to deal with is the issue of regaining their former figure and body. It is important to realize that you body has now changed. The nine months of feeding an extra person can take its toll and add quite a bit of unwanted pounds unto your body.

Apart from feeding an extra person, the extra weight that you are carrying around made you a lot less mobile which greatly reduced the amount of calories you burned during pregnancy and this plays quite a bit role in gaining during pregnancy. You may exercise less than you are used to do.

After child birth you can turn your attention back to you and your body. It's very important to realize that a happy and healthier you eventually mean a happy healthier child and family. The better you take care of yourself and the better you feel about yourself, the more you can give away and care for the people that you love.

Restoring your body to it's pre-pregnancy glory is incredibly important for your self esteem.. Many women actually end up slimmer, fitter and healthier than they were before their pregnancy, but this is a decision that you have to make right now. You need to look for ways how to lose weight after pregnancy.

Your biggest test will probably be with finding time to exercise. And exercise you must. See, loosing weight is a simple formula. Your body weight is only determined by two things: exercise and diet and it can't be anything else. It is important that you block out at least an hour a day for exercise. If you find it hard to leave your baby for an hour, find a nice babysitter, it won't harm your baby.

You need to start exercising very slowly since you've been quite inactive for the last a couple of months. Some of you muscles and joins will not be what they used to be and carrying the extra weight for nine months does strain your knees and back and a sudden burst of exercise can really hurt you. What you want to do is to slowly work your way up to a 45 minute exercise a day. Waking is a great form of exercise, it is easy to do, you only need a pair of shoes (well, maybe some clothes too). Give yourself two weeks to get up to this level and do a little bit more each day. As you get fitter and stronger you should add some cardio workout and strength training exercises as this will build your muscle which will boost your metabolism and increase your weight loss.

Apart from exercise, one of the vital ingredients for how to lose lose weight after pregnancy, is a healthy diet. You need to come back down to reality - junk food is not ok anymore. Many mothers continue with their eating habits that they did during pregnancy and they just keep packing on the weight. Cut out the junk food. Focus on nutrition - that means loads of fresh fruits and vegetables as this will provide you with plenty of energy and high nutrition to help rebuild your strength and build up your body. It is also important to drink lots of water, at least 1,5 litres of water a day.

There are no magic ways for how to lose weight after pregnancy, but there are some very effective strategies that can help you a lot.

Do you want to get rid of your unwanted extra pounds? Use a method that works for real. You can read about them here. Losing weight after pregnancy could be easy Take a look here.

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The Right Diet, Coupled With Exercise Can Help You Feel Comfortable With Your Body

The Right Diet, Coupled With Exercise Can Help You Feel Comfortable With Your Body
By John Philips

Dieting has become a national pastime, but although dieting in itself may not cause an eating disorder the constant concern about body weight and shape and calories can start a unending cycle of dissatisfaction with your body and an compulsion that can lead all too quickly to an eating disorder. Dieting doesn't have to mean deprivation when you focus on what you really want and, if not done correctly, a diet can actually cause some people to gain weight.

A four-year study of more than 19,000 healthy older men examined a variety of lifestyle factors and their relationship to changes in weight. Over that period it was found that one of the best predictors of weight gain over the four years was having lost weight on a diet at some point before the study began. The fact is, we're all born in different shapes and sizes and a healthy weight for your body type should be the ultimate goal. You may want to weigh less or even look like someone else, but these goals may not be healthy or realistic for you.

Unless medical advice recommends otherwise, low-carb, low-fat diets for someone who is not heavily obese can be unhealthy because they can deprive the body of the building blocks of cells. Being healthy is really about being at a weight that is right for you and one of the best routes to achieving your goals is realising that starving yourself isn't the best way to get and keep a slim, toned and healthy body. In fact, if you want to get to and stay at a healthy weight, going on a diet is not always a good solution.

Exercise is the key factor leading to sustained weight loss and it seems that people who start to exercise more have an easier time maintaining the lifestyle change than people who go on restricted diets. When proper exercise is attained, you will have more energy, feel better about yourself, and also be improving weight related health issues.

Although all diets and exercise programs should be done under a doctor's supervision, since both diets and exercise are based on many different factors, there are some easy ways for people to exercise. Instead of taking the elevator use the stairs, walk rather than taking the car, doing more housework with fewer power tools and park your car farther away from school or the office. The best exercise for you is simply the exercise that you enjoy and are willing to do consistently.

Physical activity is an important part of staying healthy and feeling good about yourself, but eating healthy meals and snacks combined with reasonable amounts of exercise can help you lose weight and develop properly. And it is possible to eat healthy in today's fat-filled, fast-food world. As a first step on any diet you should ensure that you do not put yourself under too much unhealthy stress by setting unrealistic goals, that you are receiving an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals, that you’re drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep and fresh air.

With help, you can learn to feel comfortable with your body and find a weight that's not only healthy for your height, but one that you're also able to maintain. The bottom line is that you want to make strong, healthy, positive changes rather than punishing your body and your spirit with starvation. By accepting your body and making healthy choices, you can keep your weight under control and enjoy life at the same time.

You can access more information about dieting at, a popular website that provides tips and advice to for controlling your weight.

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5 Free Weight Loss Diet Tips

5 Free Weight Loss Diet Tips
By Gary Machado

Let's face it. A large percentage of Americans are overweight. This phenomenon can lead to many health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disorders, diabetes and other ailments. Fad diets are always popular because people are searching for the easy and quick way out.

But after being on these fad diets, losing the weight, and then gaining all the weight back again after finishing the diet program, leaves a person feeling frustrated, and then they look for the next fad, only to start the process all over again.

To lose weight permanently and effectively is not as impossible as it seems. A combination of dieting and exercising, planned for the long run, will usually yield success.

Following are 5 weight loss diet tips that have been proven to be effective in a weight reduction program:

1. Create an achievable goal. For example, a pound a week, or 8 pounds a month. It's important to have a goal to try to reach to give you an incentive to stay on your plan.

2. Since it's the high intake of calories one you are trying to cut out, avoid high caloric foods such as fried foods, cake and pies, and substitute fresh fruits and vegetables and yogurt instead.

3. You should spread out, in the course of the day, your total calories. It may mean that you eat four times a day. But divide evenly for each meal.

4. Try to avoid snacking. But if you must, substitute fresh fruit, vegetables or low fat dairy for those potato chips, french fries or candy bars. Keep within your total calorie intake for the day.

5. And don't forget to exercise at least a half hour each day for five days out of the week. It not only helps in the goal of burning excess calories, but it also helps in toning your body as you lose that weight as well.

In conclusion there is nothing stopping you from losing weight except yourself. Just incorporate the weight loss diet tips as given above in your diet and weight loss plan and stop becoming an overweight statistic!

Gary Machado is an internet marketer and writes on a variety of topics of interest. Did you find these tips on dieting success useful? You can learn a lot more by visiting

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Losing Weight is a Journey That Starts With a Single Step

Losing Weight is a Journey That Starts With a Single Step
By Dean Novosat

For most people, losing weight can be a lifelong struggle. There are many reasons for this. Sometimes people must take medication for another ailment or disease which causes an increase in hunger. Or the medication may affect the person's metabolism, slowing it down. These reasons can cause weight loss. Other people suffer from psychological problems with food that can make weight loss impossible without counseling. These people turn to food for comfort or to fill an emotional void. In this case, eating is just a substitute for something else. Food can never fill this void so the person continues to eat in the hopes of filling this unfulfilled void. Both of these situations can lead to weight gain and even to obesity.

However, there are a few simple things you can do to help with your weight loss. The first is not to diet. That is right, do not diet! A diet is simply a short-term process which is meant for a rapid weight loss. However, this can not be sustained and after the diet is over, the person usually gains back all of their weight and more! Instead of diet, you must approach weight loss as a lifestyle change. A lifestyle change implies that this is a long-term process that takes time to implement but will have last effects. I have two friends who illustrate both points. The first, we'll call "Lily." Lily went to L.A. Weight Loss and paid her fees for the 12 week program. She stuck to her diet and she lose 21 pounds! Great! However, after she finished her three-week program, she did not return. Slowly, the pounds came back and today, Lily is fatter than she was before she went on her diet. Contrast that with our next example. "Doug" was addicted to soda. He'd have one or two with lunch, one for an afternoon "pick-me-up", and one or two with dinner. (You'll need a big calculator to add up all of those "empty" calories!) So, to start living a healthier life, Doug decided on a lifestyle change. He stopped drinking soda. He instead drinks unsweetened teas and water. After six months, Doug has lost (and maintained his weight loss) 50 pounds. Plus, he claims to have more energy than ever before!

If your weigh gain is due to medical reasons such as medications that increase hunger or reduce metabolism, then talk to your doctor about it. There are hundreds of new drugs that come to market every year and there may be an alternative that doesn't have this unwanted side-effect. Or perhaps, your doctor could adjust the dose of your medication to help reduce these cravings for food or reduction in metabolism.

So, as you can see, weight loss requires an entirely new mindset. If you require medication, talk to your doctor about changing or reducing your medication. If you need to eliminate certain foods from your diet, pick one and start there. Just remember, the longest journey starts with a single step. Weight loss, and permanent weight loss, is definitely a journey worth taking.

For more weight loss, diet, and fat burning tips, visit - The New Weightloss Guide. You'll find plenty of free information

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Get The Facts About Losing Weight

Get The Facts About Losing Weight
By Inga Horne-baker

A big part of being healthy is maintaining our bodies optimal weight. Of course, for everyone this is not as easy as it sounds but there is help for those who need it.

We must first think however of how strong our desire or determination to accomplish our goal is. This is important since we do not want to be caught in the popular yo-yo dieting that seems to hold millions hostage. This is even more damaging to our health since we want to have results that will last,enhancing our health and lifestyle.

To effectively maintain healthy weight we must change what we have been doing and do something else. We cannot experience results unless and until we change what we have been doing up until this point.

Discipline and consistency are key. While it is quite good to have good intentions, it is not enough. We must put into action what we hope to achieve.

We are what we eat. Yes the ever popular saying is true none the less. It follows that some of the things we are eating are doing us more harm than good. One would now take an inventory of One's dieting habits and with the help of a professional map out a safe and reliable diet plan. This is not dieting in the sense of the general understanding,but a meal plan that would be suited to the individual. This is important as individual needs differ from person to person. Some may even be allergic to certain foods that are beneficial for others.

In every health plan there must be exercise. It is vital for the body to be able to perform at it's fullest capability and one of the ways in which we can ensure this is through getting proper exercise.

Health supplements can be taken of course. However, this should only be considered as a short term solution until you are able to adapt to a lifestyle change. Caution should also be exercised in choosing the right kind of weight loss supplements.

Rest is yet another often overlooked, or should I say often slighted, principle in weight loss and health. Getting proper rest is critical to let your body heal and rejuvenate. An added bonus is that you burn calories while you sleep.

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How To Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days - Must Know Steps To Lose 10 lbs Fast

How To Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days - Must Know Steps To Lose 10 lbs Fast
By John Davenport

If you want to know how to lose 10 pounds in 10 days you should be aware that it's possible but it will require some effort, commitment and determination on your part. I want you to have the best chance of success, so I want you to do 2 quick things which will increase your chances of successfully losing 10 lbs. in 10 days:

1. I want you to close your eyes and envision what it would be like to be 10 pounds slimmer. Think of how good your clothes will look on you, think of the complements you'll receive, think of how people will admire your new body, think about how you'd feel. Paint a mental picture and hold it in your mind so you'll remember it perfectly during the following 10 days.

2. I want you to make a pact with yourself. Say to yourself or even write it down and place the note in your pocket that you pledge to yourself to do what it takes to lose 10 pounds in ten days, to make the mental picture of the slimmer you a reality. By making this commitment to yourself, you bring your motivation to a heightened level and maximize your chances of success.

To lose 10 lbs in 10 days you need to combine exercise and proper nutrition. There are 2 courses of action you can take, one that places emphasis on fitness, and one which places it on nutrition.

1. If you choose a fitness oriented 10 day program, you will need to do 3 cycles of 3 days of workout with 1 day of rest in between.

Day 1: 45--60 minutes of cardio workout like walking, running, cycling, aerobics, etc.

Day 2: 60 Minutes of strength exercises. Make sure to workout your entire body.

Day 3: The same as day 1.

Rest day: No physical activity.

Repeat cycle.

Overall, in 10 days you will have 8 days of working out and 2 days of total rest. I know this seems hard, but it can be enjoyable and you will not only lose weight, you will look and feel fitter at the end of those 10 days. During this time, you will also have to watch what you eat and cut out fried food, fast food, processed sugar, sodas and other manufactured beverages, and pastries.

2. If you choose a nutrition based 10 days course of action, you will need to stick to a Calorie Shifting menu. By shifting your calories, you make sure that you keep your metabolism running at a high rate (unlike most other diets) and burning a lot of calories all the time. Calorie Shifting also ensures that you're getting the necessary nutrients to supply you with enough energy to take a 30--60 minutes evening walk every 2 days. The calorie shifting diet, more commonly known as Fat Loss 4 Idiots, promises that you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days, so you will need to give it an extra boost to lose 1 more pound in 1 less day. A walk every 2 days can give you that boost.

None of these 2 courses of action is an easy one to take (though once you begin it will seem easier and the results are worth it). Whenever it starts to feel rough, remember the pledge you made to yourself. If you wrote it down (and I recommend it), take the note out of your pocket and visualize the mental picture of a slimmer you. Do that and you have every chance to lose 10 pounds in 10 days.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days in keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Calorie Shifting Diet

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days Or Less

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Body Fat And Total Weight Explained

Body Fat And Total Weight Explained
By Julio Salado

Quick background:

My experience is over ten years of strength & conditioning training with disciplines in bodybuilding, interval training, sports performance, tai chi chuan, yoga, pilates, nutrition and meditation.

All information is from Maximum Boost Workout Book©

Mindful Exercise Prescription for:

Musicians-Computer Users-Students-X Gamers-Athletes-Cross Trainers- Fitness Instructors and Serious Beginners.

Note: Body fat reduction and Total Weight Loss are not the same.

Quick explaination- fad diets will produce fast total weight loss because you lose water,fluids and have a caloric deficit. ( by the way you will also lose lean muscle mass if you are not eating enough calories to sustain what you already have).

Depending on the fad diet you will also lose vital nutrients,minerals needed for your body systems e.g. nervous,digestive,cardiovascular systems etc...

Unless you have increased your metabolism, increased your lean muscle mass or plan to live under a strict,stressful diet for the rest of your life - you will gain the body fat back and sometimes with a vengeance. The body will adapt to your fad diet!!! Learn how to achieve your goals and stay motivated to keep it off.

Body fat reduction (not total weight loss) is best acheived with a sensible nutrition strategy, training program based on exercise science and enjoyment. All factors shoud be conducive to your lifestyle not the one in a fashion magazine....


Suggestions (vital data): Get a Resting Metabolic Rate assessment - RMR estimates the number of calories required for daily living and how many calories should be eaten each day (based on your lean muscle mass). There are many formulaes-get your questions answered about this assessment from a health and fitness professional.

Next find out what your TDEE -Total Daily Energy Expenditure :

A health and fitness professional will use this information to create a nutrition plan. Combined with a strength and conditioning program you will be able to NATURALLY maximize your body fat reduction or lean muscle gain efforts.

Important notes- RMR will decrease with the loss of lean muscle and increase with an increase of lean muscle mass. Decreasing caloric intake alone (fad, poor diets etc) will not increase your RMR. Avoid the cycle of regaining body fat by implementing a complete training program.

All information is from Maximum Boost Workout Book© by Julio A. Salado C.P.T.

Be Well and Stay Active!!

Julio A. Salado, AFAA & NASM C.P.T
Fitness Foundry designed for healthy living.
Certified Personal Trainer
Assess, Initiate, Motivate

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Julio Salado - EzineArticles Expert Author

How to Sleep Away Those Unwanted Pounds

How to Sleep Away Those Unwanted Pounds
By Rene Hollander

Common sense would indicate that the formula for weight control is very simple: Don't eat more calories than you expend and your weight should remain the same. Eat less calories you loose weight, eat more calories and you gain weight. Many people make sure that they burn up extra calories by going to the gym or engage in sports activities.

Michael Thorpy, M.D, the director of the Sleep-Wake Disorders Center at the Montefiore Medical Center in New York, offers a wonderful alternative activity that may just be the ticket for loosing some unwanted pounds: Sleeping! That is correct! Some sleep researchers claim that getting the proper amount of decent sleep will aid the effort to lighten the load on wary skeletons.

The Lancet, one of the oldest peer-reviewed medical journals, published a study done by the University of Chicago in 1999 which associated sleep disturbances such as restricted sleep to about four hours over a period of six nights with negatively affected carbohydrate metabolism and endocrine functions.

Metabolism is the term used to describe the efficiency of how foods are being processed within the body, and endocrine functions are involved with the regulation of metabolic processes.

The Journal of the American Medical Association also got into the act of researching the affects of sleep on hormonal functioning. They found that age related sleep changes were associated with hormonal alterations. The endocrine system involves the structures that regulate the production of hormones. This study correlated their findings with The Lancet research and found that disturbed sleep patterns indeed influence the hormonal functions negatively.

The human body is to a great degree regulated by circadian rhythms. Dr. Joyce Walsleben is the director of the Sleep Disorder Center at the New York School of Medicine and the author of A Woman's Guide to Sleep: Guaranteed Solutions for a Good Night's Rest. She writes: "When you disrupt sleep, you disturb your hormones, you become glucose intolerant, you want to eat more, and you don't metabolize what you eat well."

Young people can get by on very little sleep or at times on no sleep at all because they are often involved with non sleeping activities which burn those extra calories. This leads to thinking that sleep is not all that important, but once we get a little older, it is clear that we need to plan our lives around good sleeping habits in order to function effectively in our waking world.

What's Keeping You From A Good Night's Sleep, and from shedding those extra pounds? There are many reasons that contribute to not sleeping well. A leading cause is depression. Depression is not well understood by most people although many people suffer from it not withstanding. Depressed people often cannot turn of their negative thought patterns and this interferes with their sleeping habits. There are many precursors to a full blown diagnosis of depression which can also interfere negatively with sleep patterns.

Things such as stress, anxiety, being overworked, caffeine use, alcohol, stimulant medications such as diet pills and so on. What must also be considered are environmental factors such as excessive noise and light. Your body has light receptors in the skin and when exposed to light these receptors will signal the brain that it is not time to sleep. Of course some people appear to be day sleepers and light exposure may not hinder their sleep.

Some people will employ substances such as alcohol or sleeping medications to get to sleep however, these are not good solutions. There is the rebound affect dynamic that will interfere with chemically induced sleep. This rebound effect comes into play a few hours after falling asleep after imbibing in that relaxing drink. The alcohol or other sleeping agent will wear off and the person wakes up and will have even greater trouble getting to sleep. In addition, if the alcohol or other means do produce eight hours or so of sleep, you will in all likelihood wake up very tired and not refreshed because that important dream stage or deep sleep stage will have been interfered with.

It is interesting to note that until very recently it was well known that lack of sleep would cause all kinds of physiological and emotional problems, exactly why this was so remained a mystery. Some of the studies mentioned here are beginning to shed some light that will lead to resolving this ambiguity.

The question that needs to be answered is: Just how do we ensure a good nights sleep? First of all make sure that there are no medical reasons that contribute to sleep impairment. If medical reasons exist make sure that these problems are properly treated. The same goes for any existing psychological problems.

One method to ensure reliable sleep patterns is to make sure that you sleep regularly at the same time every day. That is go to sleep at the same time and get up at the same time every day. If you wake up at 6am on weekdays, do not sleep in on weekends. Get the same amount of sleep every night. Find out how much sleep suits you best. Don't take naps during the day unless this is a regular habit. When taking naps make sure that you don't sleep more than 30 minutes at the most. 15 to 20 minutes are the well known power nap times.

It is also important to make your sleeping space a special place. It need to be a safe, special place for only sleep or sex. The bedroom should not serve as your office/living/room/kitchen/dining room etc.

Keep the room quiet. Dark and cool and only go to bed when you're sleepy. And then there is exercise... You've all heard it so many times, and yet just getting up the motivation to exercise always seems to be nearly impossible. There is an inherent paradox about exercise and they are both good! First of all, exercise will provide you with more energy. That is correct, work out and you feel better and more energized. On the other hand, tiring out your body physically will enhance your sleep!

Get rid of unwanted thoughts that intrude into your sleep. Easier said than done? Well yes and no. One "trick" that has proven to work for many people is to write down your unwanted thoughts. On one side of the paper, the left side, write down the problems that are interfering with your sleep. On the right side of the paper write down the possible solutions. This exercise helps put what is on your mind outside of you. Studies have also shown that this technique is often used by people who are in the problem solving business, it is referred to as incubating your dreams. In this way they dream about the stated problem/s and in their dreams find solutions.

The great thing about dreams is that everything is possible and novel ideas can be explored leading to potential remedies.

Lastly: Don't try too hard to sleep. If you can't sleep, get up. Do something relaxing such as read. TV watching is not advisable because that tends to stimulate your system too much. Stay awake until your eyes start to close involuntarily. Don't look at the clock, it takes your focus away from sleeping.

Dr. Rene Hollander is the writer of How to sleep away those unwanted pounds. He writes for

And he spends his extra time doing research on how to improve one's health.

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Get Fit And Get Married

Get Fit And Get Married
By Kathleen Terrana

You want to lose some weight before your wedding so you start counting calories and fat content of everything you eat. For a few days, maybe even a week, this strategy seems to work. But eventually you "hunger" for your old way of eating and your old weight returns and then some. Stop thinking about numbers and grams and just increase your intake of vegetables and fruit. You will automatically cut back on other more fattening foods. Every time you go to the store, even just to pick up a pair of pantyhose, walk through the produce department and pick up at least one item. Apples and bananas are both high on the "fullness factor."

Losing weight is also about burning calories and increasing your stamina. If you concentrate on getting more exercise each and every day and eat about the same amount of food, you will lose weight. It doesn't have to be a strict exercise program. Those programs work about as well as most diet plans. It's a miracle if you can stick with it for over a week. Find some activities that are really simple and fit into your lifestyle.

I recommend painless exercise in the form of taking a walk around the block at night after dinner. If you can set your alarm early, take the same walk in the morning before work, so much the better. One of the best all around exercises for women to build their upper body strength is the old fashioned push-up. Do as many as you can and increase by one or two each day. If you can't go all the way down to the floor, go as far as you can. Any time you are waiting for a cup of hot water to heat in the microwave, do 10 slow knee squats. Buy yourself a mini trampoline and jump in time to some of your favorite songs. Do this three times a week to burn some serious calories and jump-start your metabolism.

There are additional benefits to getting fit before the big day (and any other time). Most importantly you will feel energized. You will be able to handle all the emotions associated with your wedding. Your skin and hair will glow because of the increased circulation. You can dance more, sing more, and collect more hugs and kisses because you have plenty of energy and stamina by getting fit before getting married.

Kathleen Terrana is the owner of Beautiful Bridal specializing in discount tiaras, veils, bridal and bridesmaid jewelry. Visit our site for additional tips, advice and information.

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Wii Weight Loss - Yes You Can!

Wii Weight Loss - Yes You Can!
By Sue Calhoun

Is there really such a thing as a Wii weight loss program? Unlike other game consoles, the Wii requires that you move your body, arms and legs, to guide the controller where you want it to go. Some of the sports games and a few others really can give you a workout! Depending on the game, and how physical you want to get with it, you can really work up a sweat by playing for a long period of time!

The best Wii games for Wii weight loss are the games that come with the console: Wii Sports and Wii Play. The best game for Wii weigh loss is definitely Boxing. Two players team up, or one player teams up against the computer. To box, you throw punches, using left, right, upper cut and other punches. Your arms get a great workout, and you can even get a little short of breath. Just make sure you play for a longer period of time, at least twenty minutes or more, to get the full effect.

What about other Wii games? Can you get the Wii weight loss effect from playing any other games? The next best game is bowling. To bowl, you move just the way you would when you bowl at the bowling alley, without having to move forward so much, but if you incorporate the forward walking movement, you can really increase the aerobic effect.

How about tennis? The Wii Sports game disk has full court tennis, and Wii Play has table tennis. Just like with boxing, with tennis you can just stand still and flick your wrist to move the racket. But you can also move your body, move your whole arm, and really get into the game by being more physically active. Is it going to be the same effect you would get with a real tennis match? Probably not, but if your goal is to just use the Wii for Wii weight loss, by moving a lot more when you play, you can really enhance the results.

As for other games, such as soccer, football, and racing games, the effect will be a little different, since many of these you can play while just sitting. With the Wii, though, it's really up to you how much you want to play. Just remember to tighten the wrist strap so you don't throw it through your television or a window or a player standing next to you. Shake that thing and stay in shape with Wii weight loss!

Sue Calhoun writes on a wide variety of topics all over the Web. Find the best price on a Wii game console, at and start losing weight today!

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Fat Loss Tips - Lose Body Fat With Interval Training

Fat Loss Tips - Lose Body Fat With Interval Training
By Kathy Burns-Millyard

One of the fastest and easiest ways to lose body fat is by doing what's known as interval training. All interval training is at the core though, is changing the pace at which you exercise or perform other physical activities.

One excellent example is with walking or jogging. When you walk or jog at the same pace regularly, your body quickly adapts to that physical activity level. So over time it stops burning as much extra body fat as it did in the beginning, because your body has become used to the new level of activity.

By making just one simple change to your walking or running routine though, you can trick your body into putting it's fat burning on overdrive again. All you need to do is mix things up with something different. If you're walking for instance, then start jogging for about 30 seconds. Do this randomly throughout your walk. If you're already jogging, then sprint as fast as you can for about 30 seconds instead, then slow back down to your standard jogging speed.

By mixing in these random spurts of high activity, you're forcing your body to provide more energy - and thus burn more of your extra body fat - because it doesn't have a standard routine to get used to anymore. So it responds by simply making more energy available all the time... "just in case" it's suddenly needed without warning.

One of the best ways to work interval training into your daily or weekly routine and help yourself lose body fat more quickly, is to simply mix in a bit of sports. If you enjoy playing tennis or basketball for instance, then try fitting these activities into your day at least once or twice each week.

If you think about the way most sports are played you'll realize why this is a great way to lose body fat: Sports are a natural form of interval training. In almost all types of sports, there are times during play where you are doing things at a slower or more relaxed pace. Then you suddenly burst into action while running for a ball, or trying to get to the next base. So it naturally gives you random slower and faster physical activity, and this in turn helps you to lose body fat easily.

©2007, Kathy Burns-Millyard. Are you tired of diets, gimmicks, and dangerous weight loss pills too? Learn more about how to lose body fat naturally by visiting right now!

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5 Top Tips for Weight Control in Children

5 Top Tips for Weight Control in Children
By Rosie Peters

With weight control for kids, prevention is far better than cure. If you can begin with your children as you mean to continue in regard to food and exercise, the effort you put in will be much more quickly rewarded than if you are faced with attempting to change bad habits.

Either way, controlling weight in children is a challenge, but you have to keep in mind - you are the adult, the one calling the shots. It's not easy, but nothing worth doing is easy.

Top Tip for weight control in children #1

You have to be a role model. You can't expect your children to eat sensibly and exercise regularly if you are lolling on the couch, glued to the TV, waving the kids out the door with a jumbo sized packet of corn chips clutched in your fist. Eat with your children and show clear enjoyment of the good food you eat. Exercise with your children and share the natural high that physical effort gives you.


Speaking of the TV - turn it off. The world as we know it will not cease if we ban the mass media from our lives for a few hours a day. Eat as many of your meals as possible together at the dining table with no distractions. Talk to each other. Enjoy your food.

If this will be a big wrench for you or members of your family, you need to discuss this new routine in depth before you begin; both what you intend to do and the good reasons for it. Be prepared to listen to any arguments for turning the TV on, but do not accept them. This strategy allows family members to have their concerns aired, but underlines your position as the adult responsible for good eating habits in your home.


Explain. Why this food is good for our bodies, why we need protein, complex carbs and good fats, why some foods are habit forming but lacking in nutrition. Why our bodies and minds benefit from daily exercise. The more you explain, the more readily kids will accept both a good diet and regular exercise.


Involve your children in decision making and planning. Allow your children to make some of the decisions about the food you will prepare together (what green vegetable are we going to have tonight?).

Give your kids the chance to say where you will cycle or walk this afternoon. There choices should be guided, however. They need to know that a green vegetable of some type will be on the menu, but they can decide which one. They have to know that exercise is on the agenda for the afternoon, but they get a (limited) say in what it will be.


Be firm in relation to your goals. Be determined that your children will have a good diet and regular exercise. Be patient and persistent, with a degree of flexibility in your approach, but do not weaken. The bottom line is that by controlling the weight of your children through proper diet and suitable exercise, you are giving them the gift of a healthy lifestyle. As a parent, you can't do better than that!

Rosie Peters gives straightforward, common sense advice, encouragement and tips for weight loss, sensible diet and lifelong fitness. Sometimes it's not what you want to hear, but it's what you need to know.

Visit Rosie at

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What You Need To Look For In Every Fast Weight Loss Plan

What You Need To Look For In Every Fast Weight Loss Plan
By Richard Ford

A good fast weight loss plan needs to conform to 3 key areas. When you investigate various plans, make sure they have them otherwise they are not worth your time.

1. Portion or meal control. Any good fast weight loss plan will involve smaller and more frequent portions. What does this mean in practise? Take this example: you may currently eat 3 meals a day, say one at 8am, one at 1pm and another at 6pm. You probably feel quite hungry between meals and snack on junk snacks like chips and chocolate. You probably also feel quite stuffed after a meal, like you didn't really need to eat that much. Instead, you should eat 6 meals a day and eat every 2 to 3 hours. Your body prefers to eat this way and you can eat the same amount (minus the snacks) and not feel hunger pangs. This way, you will definitely lose weight.

2. Variety of healthy food. Do not try any fast weight loss plan that is mainly one food. For instance, I know people who have tried these soup diets and they tasted so boring that they gave the diet up after a couple of days! But when you think about it this really should not come as a surprise at all. A decent plan will let you still eat a variety of good and get satisfaction from eating. Anything else would be seen as "giving up" on a luxury.

3. Tailor made for you. How can all diets be suitable for everyone? Surely the "one size fits all" approach does not work when it comes to diets because we each have different bodies, different metabolisms, different local produce, the list goes on. Any excellent fast weight loss plan should be custom made for each person that follows it. Its pretty obvious when you think about it.

Looking for a good fast weight loss plan? Discover a new plan that is growing in popularity that uses the revolutionary "shifting calories" method. Learn more at our website, Lose The Fat Quick.

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Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review
By Matthew Aziz

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is an online weight loss program that claims fast results, citing that, with their help, it's possible to lose 9lbs every 11 days!!

A feat of awesome success, it has to be said. But is this possible? Or safe? In my opinion yes. It's certainly an innovative way of thinking about the way we eat, and it tries to alter the patterns and the habits which we all at some point possess.

It claims that food is the best medicine, and that eating the WRONG foods is what makes us gain weight, not just the amount of food. Well, we all knew that. But what it states is that not only do you need to eat the right foods, but the right foods at the right times. Little and often is the diet's policy, so you actually end up eating much more than just 3 times a day.

Starving yourself, or simply cutting down on food like low cal and low carb diets is a no no for this program. What you deprive your body of will only make it store in other areas, making you gain weight quicker. This diet gives you a menu of foods that actually release fat burning hormones into your bloodstream after meals!

Not only this, Fat Loss 4 Idiots specifically manipulates your metabolism in a way they call 'Shifting Calories'. This is a theory by which your body is given different types of calories each day to confuse your metabolism into continuously burning off your calories. Because your metabolism doesn't know what food you'll have tomorrow or the next day it continually burns off calories based on the previous day's pattern. So by "shifting" the foods you eat from the menu over a couple of days at a time your metabolism doesn't know what to expect. As a result of this it will then burn calories from the nearest fat tissues available also.

To give you the right diet for this to work, Fat Loss 4 Idiots has an online diet generator computed specifically to your body's needs. The beauty of this diet that I found the most attractive aspect of it is that the diet contains foods that aren't cardboard, or as my Dad would say; "rabbit food". There's actually a wide variety, some of which you wouldn't expect, including some high fat foods, and it even tells you how to still enjoy an alcoholic drink yet still lose weight.

With hard facts and no clever salesman trickery, Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a very legitimate, very plausible and realistic way of losing weight, without stress or having to starve yourself.

Matt is a weight loss enthusiast! Having struggled with his own weight issues, he is always looking for the best ways to have a healthy lifestyle. For more information please click here

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The Truth About Quick Weight Loss

The Truth About Quick Weight Loss
By Deirdre Jones

With extended work days and working hours becoming more the norm than the exception, the fast food industry is doing booming business. While this is great for restaurant owners and investors alike, it is not very friendly to the waistlines of thousands of overweight and obese adults.

Though fast food is one of the top culprits, unhealthy eating habits, in general, are the source of this obesity epidemic. Saturated fats and refined sugars lead to bulging waist lines, a problem which leaves hose affected searching for the quickest ways to obtain their weight loss and fat reduction goals.

Other factors that pay a part in weight gain include genetics and slowing metabolisms, especially as you age. As you get older, your metabolism tends to slow down, making it even more difficult to keep the pounds from creeping on. This, combined with poor eating habits and lack of exercise, is of great concern if you are trying to combat obesity.

One of the first things that many people who have to lose is to search for a method of quick weight loss. And knowing this, literally thousands of weight loss products are on the market, with more being introduced on a daily basis. The business of weight loss is a multi-billion dollar a year business.

However, the simple truth about quick weight loss is that it does not really exist. If you are trying to lose weight quickly, realize that losing weight is a process that takes time and effort. Weight loss pills and diet gimmicks will only discourage and only lead you to giving up in the end. It is best to learn healthy eating habits and incorporate regular exercise into your lifestyle.

How much weight you lose and fat you burn is dependent upon numerous factors. Some of these factors include your health, weight, daily calorie intake, age, gender, stress level, and lifestyle. And despite all the hoopla surrounding quick weight loss, it is best to think of losing weight as a gradual process. Those who lose weight successfully and keep it off long term are the ones who implement lifestyle changes - healthy eating and exercise. The sooner that you realize there is no quick fix for losing weight, the closer you will be to attaining your weight loss goals.

With all of that said, check with your doctor or dietitian to help you get started. Losing one and a half to two and a half pounds per week is very reasonable and a totally achievable goal. If you are thinking that is too slow, just think about it like this - that amounts to six to ten pounds a month and up to fifty two pounds a year, and all without making drastic changes or using dangerous diet drugs.

If you're looking for more fat loss and weight reduction tips, be sure to visit our Guide to Fat Loss blog at:

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What I Discovered About Low Carb Diets and Hoodia

What I Discovered About Low Carb Diets and Hoodia
By Alyssa Collins

Tried a low carb diet and failed to see it through?

Anyone who has tried to lose a lot of weight, using a low carb or modified carb diet knows first hand the painful initial 2 weeks beginning phase can be.

Problem With Low Carb Diets

I attempted the low carb, modified carb approach 2-3 times and failed miserably in the first weeks of the plan because I ended up cheating. My blood sugar would get so low that I ended up grabbing anything to eat to kill the hunger cravings.

This phase of the diet program is especially difficult because you are not allowed any carbs or very limited carbs (The South Beach Diet is what I used). The rationale for the 'carb weaning' is to re-calibrate blood chemistries by getting your body to release glucose more slowly and continuously. You eliminate the blood sugar lows which eliminates the distracting hunger cravings.

The problem is, you have to get through that initial 2-week period without touching bread, potatoes, rice, donuts, desert, processed sugar etc. NO CARBS.

The payoff for your pain is over time your body becomes a fat burning machine rather than a sugar carb burning machine. You must get past that initial 2 weeks however.

Hoodia Killed the Cravings

This is where I found hoodia to be critical component in my weight loss success.

During the first 2 weeks of your low carb or modified carb diet you will certainly feel hungry, as your body is adjusting to these low sugar levels - that's when you want to quit. DON'T GIVE IN.

Taking 3000 mg of pure hoodia gordonii daily during the first phase of my low carb diet solved the problem. It zapped my hunger pangs.

Why Hoodia Kills Hunger Cravings

Taking Hoodia amazingly, simulates high blood sugar levels and sends these messages to the part of the brain responsible for hunger. Your brain is basically tricked into 'not being hungry'.

I found that the 3000mg of hoodia supplied enough appetite suppression to keep me from thinking about food when I KNOW I normally would have. I breezed through this phase (after 3 false starts!) this time.

Solution - Low Carb Diet Plan Plus Hoodia for Appetite Control

For me and hopefully for you, this combination can work very effectively by allowing you to stick to your diet. Ultimately YOU hold the cards determining if the diet will work or not. The key is to make dieting as EASY as possible.

Why struggle through pain and cravings that come with dieting when there is a safe and natural way to avoid it? If I knew about Hoodia initially I would have saved myself lots of disappointment and probably lost weight much sooner.

Once you get past that initial 2-week carb purge phase, your diet gets MUCH EASIER. My need for hoodia to control my appetite control at this point was less and less because I was eating correctly. I still take the hoodia if I feel I need to re-align by appetite from time to time.

Alyssa Collins RN and Certified trainer, has been contributing her knowledge exclusively to for the last 6 months, thanks Alyssa! Learn how to buy real Hoodia, get all the details as well as info on modified carb diets that WORK.

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No More Problems - How to Turn Your Eating and Exercise Challenges Around

No More Problems - How to Turn Your Eating and Exercise Challenges Around
By Arlene Pellicane

When I am faced with a problem, I often give up and think, "Oh well, guess that didn't work out." My husband on the contrary thinks the opposite. Instead he wonders, "What can I do to fix this problem?"

If you're going to lose weight, it's inevitable you will face challenges. There are a thousand excuses why you can't exercise or eat healthy right now. But if you're going to be successful, you have to think more like my husband. "What can I do to find a solution to my problem?"

Let's say you experience a problem like being sick of eating the same things over and over again. It's natural to say, "I can't eat like this. This isn't working. I might as well quit." Instead of activating your mind, you shut down, squelching any creativity. On the other hand, if you say, "What can I do to add variety to my diet and still maintain the same benefits?" Now you've switched into solution mode, and you're ready to discover some wonderful alternatives. See the radical difference? The way you respond to difficulty will have a profound impact on your results.

So, if you want to solve the problem of a boring diet, what can you do? You can . . .

-Go to fitness websites and print out new recipes.

-Try a fruit or vegetable you don't normally eat.

-Buy a different protein bar.

-Make a banana split with yogurt instead of ice cream.

You get the picture. There are so many solutions available to you when you take time to look for them. The possibilities are endless. So get started today and find answers that work for you!

Today's action step: What's one problem you are facing in your eating or exercise plan? What are 3 possible solutions for that problem?

Arlene Pellicane, mother of a toddler and infant, helps women lose their baby weight and thrive as wives and mothers. Her weekly podcast "Losing Weight After Baby" is full of practical ideas that work for busy moms. An everyday mom herself, you can visit Arlene's website for free articles and exercises at

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Help I'm Hungry! How to Cope With Cravings When You're Losing Weight

Help I'm Hungry! How to Cope With Cravings When You're Losing Weight
By Arlene Pellicane

What was that noise? Your stomach growling, again? Yes, part of losing weight is feeling hungry. After all, your body has grown accustomed to feasting, and now it's time for a little fasting. So how can you beat those troublesome hunger cravings?

1. Eat regular meals and smart snacks. Make breakfast a substantial meal with lots of protein and fiber to fill you up. Eating lunch and dinner with a nutritious snack in between meals will help you stave off hunger throughout the day. Eat slowly...savor the flavor of the foods to allow your body time to signal your mind that you're full.

2. Distract yourself. There's nothing like activity to distract you from mindless grazing. Get out with your kids, run errands, visit friends, go to the library. You'll be so busy you'll forget to eat. By the time you realize you're hungry, it will be time for a meal or a mid-afternoon snack.

3. Don't think about food. You go where you focus. If you're watching a cooking show on television or thumbing through a food magazine, you're looking for trouble. Fill your mind with other subjects - write your husband a love note, plan a fun outing with your kids, put your photos in albums, anything positive to keep your mind occupied.

4. Drink water. Every time you feel hungry, drink a glass of water. It may be that you're just thirsty.

These ideas will help, but the truth is while you're limiting your calories to lose weight, you will feel hungry sometimes. The good news is you won't feel hungry forever. When you reach your fitness goal, you'll be able to eat more. But for now, don't be afraid of those hunger pangs. You will survive them to become the fit, healthy person you were meant to be.

Today's action step: Eat regular meals and 3 small snacks throughout the day. When you're hungry, otherwise drink a glass of water.

Arlene Pellicane, mother of a toddler and infant, helps women lose their baby weight and thrive as wives and mothers. Her weekly podcast "Losing Weight After Baby" is full of practical ideas that work for busy moms. An everyday mom herself, you can visit Arlene's website for free articles and exercises at

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Guilt Free Thanksgiving - 5 Specific Ways to Keep Calories Under Control

Guilt Free Thanksgiving - 5 Specific Ways to Keep Calories Under Control
By Arlene Pellicane

When someone says "thanksgiving dinner," many women cringe. Turkey, mashed potatoes, yams with melted butter and brown sugar, cranberry sauce, pumpkin can anyone lose weight or even maintain under these dangerously delicious conditions?

Here are five specific things you can do at Thanksgiving to minimize damage to your waistline:

1. Before dinner is served, avoid grazing and mindless snacking as you catch up with friends and relatives. Skip nuts, candies and crackers on the table. Only have something if it's very unique (like your aunt's famous artichoke dip) and only eat one serving. Remember, dinner is coming.

2. Drink lots of water. Water will help you feel full and it's your best ally. Think about making water the only beverage you choose. If you must have something hot to drink with dessert, try a cup of tea.

3. Eat whatever you want at dinner in small portions. Don't make mounds of food on your plate. This is not "Mom's All You Can Eat Buffet - Come and Git It!" Instead imagine you're eating at a beautiful French restaurant. Take a slice of turkey with a dollop of gravy. A small scoop of potatoes with cranberry sauce on the side. Eat slowly and savor the delicious meal that has been lovingly prepared.

4. Share your dessert with someone or ask for a small slice. Ten minutes after dessert has been cleared off the table, you won't remember whether you had 10 bites or 20 bites. But your body will!

5. Talk a walk after dinner. This is a wonderful family tradition and a great way to burn off a few calories. As you walk with your family members and friends, you have a chance to catch up more intimately than a large dinner table conversation allows.

Remember, Thanksgiving is a time to be cherished. There's nothing to cringe about. Follow these five easy instructions and enjoy the time with your family and friends without the guilt.

Arlene Pellicane, mother of a toddler and infant, helps women lose their baby weight and thrive as wives and mothers. Her weekly podcast "Losing Weight After Baby" is full of practical ideas that work for busy moms. An everyday mom herself, you can visit Arlene's website for free articles and exercises at

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How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentage

How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentage
By Flavius Sirop

Losing weight can sometimes be a very difficult task, requiring a large amount of energy and a lot of motivation. Knowing how to calculate weight loss percentage can really be a morale booster for your rough times because your actual results can only encourage you to perform more of the taken actions - like jogging, dieting or others.

It can also help you stay on track and not exaggerate with anything, as we do know that anything done in excess can harm your body. It can help you set goals and achieve them step by step.

But how do we calculate weight loss percentage? Is it a difficult math task? No way! It's a pretty basic formula. First of all you'll need to remember your initial weight. Secondly, you'll need your actual weight at this point. Now, the formula goes like this:

((IW-AW)/IW) * 100= weight loss percentage

In this formula IW is your initial weight and AW is your actual weight at this point. It's not as complicated as it initially seems: practically all you do is subtract the actual weight from the initial weight and divide the number obtained by your initial weight. Multiply the result with 100 and you'll get the exact percent.

Now you can see that it's pretty basic - but opening a lot of possibilities. For example, you can measure your weight once a week and create an Excel table which instantly calculates the weight loss percentage for you. This can really help you keep track of your progress and can be a real motivation booster as I previously mentioned.

With this you can also create a weight loss percentage graphic - actually drawing your progress at certain points.

Well, if you fully understood how this works, you can conclude that now you know how to calculate weight loss percentage. If not, try to re-read the article more carefully.

You can get more details and download the 1000 Atkins diet recipes ebook for free! You will also discover the top 3 internet weight loss programs plus read other 3 free weight loss articles at my website. Just visit it now!

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Grape Juice For Weight Loss

Grape Juice For Weight Loss
By Flavius Sirop

Weight loss can be a pretty difficult task especially if your weight is pretty far from what you would like it to be. However, with proper advice and the right amount of motivation, nothing can stand in your way.

You've probably heard that there are various things in nature that can help you lose the unwanted weight, such as green tea, vinegar, herbals and many others. But very few people actually know that they can also use grape juice for weight loss.

The good news is that grape juice has a lot of other great properties too: it's a good aphrodisiac, it helps you improve your vision, it's a great energizer, it contains C vitamin - it's sweet and tastes good. Above all of these, it helps you lose weight too!

I should not even mention how easy it is to prepare - you'll be needing 100g of grapes (a black variety is preferable), water and palm sugar (by taste). After squeezing the grapes with a juicer mix with the water and sugar and stir well.

So if it's so easy to prepare and so good for you - why not consume it daily or even more times in the same day? Why not develop a habit of drinking some in the morning and some in the afternoon? If you're going to form a habit like that, you should also go for a little exercise too - a little in the morning and a little in the afternoon also. You'll discover that you'll feel better within days, and before you know it you'll even be thinner.

Nature is full of wonderful resources such as this one and yet many people take pills to lose weight. Whenever that thought crosses your mind ever again, just think about grape juice for weight loss instead of it.

You can get more details and download the 1000 Atkins diet recipes ebook for free! You will also discover the top 3 internet weight loss programs plus read other 3 free weight loss articles at my website. Just visit it now!

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Low Sugar Treats for Trick-or-Treaters

Low Sugar Treats for Trick-or-Treaters
By Treva Bedinghaus

Are you looking for something other than sugar to hand out this Halloween? A treat doesn't have to be sweet...some kids actually prefer healthy snacks. This Halloween night, treat the parents of those little ghosts and goblins - drop something healthy into their pumpkins!

While candy is fun to receive and easy to hand out, too much sugar is never a good thing for a child. Pick out a few of the healthy treats below. Trick-or-treaters will be glad to see something different, and will most likely enjoy eating it. If you are afraid the kids will turn up their noses, try stuffing purchased treat bags with the healthy treats. The kids won't know what's inside until they open them, probably at home. By then they'll probably be hungry and reach for something nutritious before diving into the candy.

Healthy treats:

boxes of raisins
bags of peanuts
cheese sticks
granola bars
small boxes of cereal
sugarless gum
fresh fuit cups
100% juice boxes
baked chips
beef jerky sticks
trail mix

If you really want to hand out candy but would rather not give the sugar-laden varieties, look around for healthy candy alternatives. There are several types of candy available today without sugar, including chocolate bars as well as hard candy.

Treva Bedinghaus is a freelance writer and webmaster of She is a mother of three small children and enjoys throwing spectacular parties for them.

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Tips On How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Tips On How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle
By Gabriel J. Adams

The world today is a very stressful, fast-paced place to live. Many people have a very hard time making it through life without having problems at times. The best way to make it through life without major problems is to live a healthy lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle makes everything much easier to deal with, because you are in a good frame of mind, and you feel well physically. A healthy lifestyle is not just about eating a healthy diet, or exercising regularly. I think the most important thing in living a healthy lifestyle is everything in moderation. You need to eat healthy, exercise, and find a healthy balance between work and play.

Eating healthy is very important to living a healthy lifestyle, because your diet is what fuels your life. If you are constantly eating junk food and drinking alcohol, then you are causing physical damage to your body. This damage will cause you to have a lack of energy and you will not be able to do the things that you want to do.

Exercise is also very important to live a healthy lifestyle, because if you are out of shape you will not feel well or be able to do the things that you want to do. When you exercise you release different chemicals into your bloodstream that make you feel better. Exercising can be a big help getting you through a tough day, because it can give you a good head start to the day, or a pick me up after a bad day.

I think the most important way to live a healthy lifestyle is to find and maintain a balance between work and play. If you work too much then your stress level will be very high, and your health and happiness will decline very quickly. However if you play too much, your stress will also be very high, because you are going to have to worry about how you are going to pay your bills. If you strike a balance between the two then you can make enough money to pay your bills, but still have enough fun that you are able to relieve your stress. If you pay attention to these things in your life, then you will be able to live a healthy lifestyle.

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